Friday, February 28, 2025

Oh, to be a Writer

Eastern Mennonite University hosted a writer's read tonight (02/28/25) featuring Rachel Yoder and her book Nightbitch. Several years ago I presented my own book at such an event: Coming of Age in Honduras: a Young Adult's Struggle with Poverty, Faith and Sexuality

Every time I hear a writer speak, or whenever I read someone else's work, I get the renewed itch to write. Writing is cathartic. Writing is spiritual. Writing is life-giving. At least that is the way I have come to understand this magical process.

In order to write, one must have a project. I've written a book on the Beatitudes, I've written a book on Spirituality, I've written a book on the experiences of my daughter while she was in Mexico, I've written a memoir and I have consolidated my blog posts into a book.

So what should be my next project? A novel? An historical novel of the lives of my ancestors who emigrated from France to Switzerland to Germany and finally to the USA? Should I write about my son's experiences in Switzerland like my daughter's in Mexico? 

Rachel Yoder in her presentation said that she was inspired by a writing group to write 1,000 words a day which she would do for several weeks, then stop for several months before beginning again. Is this how I should begin?

I have a good friend who encouraged me to do the historical novel about my ancestors. He is a scientist, and I asked him if he would be interested in a book about a dialog between science and spirituality. 

Despite these ideas, one needs some sort of inspiration, or impetus to write. I am waiting for that impetus. I am waiting to be inspired so that I can put my need to write into gear. 

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Thank You, My High School Teachers, Thank You!

I was sick of seeing all disheartening news on social media, and my distraction by reading a novel was getting old. Something pulled my eyes toward some old note books bound by Guatemalan patterns and colors that I saw beside me on a bookshelf.

Inside I found a collection of thank you notes from former students over the years that lifted my spirits and misted my eyes. Themes emerged: thank for your authenticity, for your humor, for your vulnerability, for your empathy, and for the energy and enthusiasm with which you teach your classes. Thank you for listening; for caring for us as individuals. These notes helped me to see that I had made an impact on some of my students' lives. I am grateful for the chance I had to do something notable for them.  

I was transported back to my High School years and thought of the teachers who made a significant mark on my own life.

Mr. Carey, my Spanish teacher who was a little quirky, was a chain smoker and came to class with an oily black mark on his forehead on Ash Wednesday. You taught me my first words in Spanish . . . and look where that took me. Thank you!

Mrs. Weaver, my English teacher. She was prim and proper and pronounced the "d" and the "c" in adjective when no one else did. She read my short story out loud to the class as an example of creative writing . . . and look where that took me. Thank you!

Miss Smith, my choir director. You chose me for the select choir even though I was only a freshman, and most of the others were juniors and seniors. I auditioned with the required Brahms' "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" without knowing how to read music . . . except from the shaped-note hymn books from church . . . and look where that took me. Thank you!

Mr. Weaver, my gym teacher. You begged me to go out for sports that were forbidden by my family, but when he watched me performing gymnastics, he pulled me aside and asked me if I had ever considered going to college to become a Physical Education teacher . . . and look where that took me . . . not very far except for entertainment at family reunions.

Bro. Dietz, my Anabaptist history teacher. You gave me a sense of identity and love for my heritage that I tried to hide from in public schools . . .  and look where that took me . . . teaching in four different Mennonite/Anabaptist colleges. Thank you!

All of these mentors have now left this earth. While they were here, I didn't take the time to thank them for how they influenced me. How much their encouragement meant to me. I am sorry for not recognizing them, because I now know how much those Thank Yous mean. I will treasure them for the rest of my life. 

Having been in the education system for over 30 years, I know how heavy the load is for teachers. I also know that over the course of those years, the loads have become increasingly heavy with assessment requirements and social issues we never had to face. So, kudos to you teachers who persevere. You never know what kind of impact you will have on a young life. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Honduran Woman Thanks VSers on 500th Anniversary of Anabaptism

Me with a young friend on the Bay Island of
Guanaja, in Honduras

This letter appeared on the Facebook page Honduras Voluntary Service Connections and Memories on January 21, the anniversary of 500 years of Anabaptism. Some 78 people, mostly men, who served their alternative service in Honduras, are members.

Dear brothers,

Today, January 21, as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism, as a Honduran I express our most sincere gratitude to you and your parents for the sacrifice, dedication and love with which you have taught us the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your work in the missions has not only allowed us to know the truth of the Word of God, but has also integrated us into a community of faith that deeply values ​​the principles of peace, love and commitment to the Kingdom of God.

Thank you for having paid the price, for persevering in the midst of challenges, for sharing the hope we have in Christ. Thank you for showing us, with your example and teaching, how to follow Jesus in a life of justice, humility and service. Thank you for having transmitted to us not only a message, but a way of living that reflects the heart of God.

Today, as part of this people celebrating 500 years of Anabaptism, we recognize that, thanks to you, we can walk under a faith that calls us to live according to the values ​​of the Kingdom, always seeking what is just and true. Your dedication and commitment have not been in vain, and their fruits are seen in the community that we form together.

May God bless you abundantly, and may the legacy of your missionary work continue to multiply in the generations to come. Thank you for your obedience to God's call, for being instruments of transformation in our lives. May we continue forward together, celebrating God's faithfulness and extending his love to the world!

With gratitude and blessings

Mary Cano from Honduras

Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Best of Klymer Klatch Blogs

I just received word from my publisher that my latest book is available for purchase at the link below.

This is from the back cover:

From refreshing insights into his spiritual journey to an unlikely love story of how he met his Swiss wife, Clymer's blogs are filled with a vast array of reflections on his experiences in teaching, writing, mission work, and cross-cultural learning. His writings are divided into the following sections: Spirituality, Family and Family History, Language and Learning, Swiss Adventures, Writing, Issues of Militarism and Justice, On Being Mennonite/Anabaptist, Serious and Comical, Cross-Cultural Adventures, and He and His Wife's Love Story. Clymer's writing, not only in his blogs, but also with his four published books, have drawn acclaim from a variety of sources. 

My faithful readers will be able to have my best writing and thoughts over the last 10 years at their fingertips. Except for our "love story," these blogs needn't be read at one sitting, but can be used over time as devotionals or materials for Sunday school, or in classrooms, particularly as related to language learning. Get your copy now!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Shepherd Me O God

"Shepherd me O God, beyond my want, beyond my fear, from death unto life." This is the refrain from a song that is based on Psalm 23 written by Marty Haugen.

Again, "Shepherd me O God, beyond my want, beyond my fear, from death unto life." In recent days, amidst the chaos, I have been repeating the refrain to this song in my mind over and over again, like a mantra. It calms my spirit and helps me to be "shepherded" by God.

"Want" and "fear" are feelings that take life away from us. If we obsess on these feelings they can become death to our spirit. We can become disabled and immobilized. We do not feel the presence of God.

In a chapter in our book The Spacious Heart, (see link to the book in the right-hand column) my sister Sharon and I share ideas about the many ways fear has overwhelmed much of our culture. In the same book we write about how our wants, especially in material goods, have produced obsessive behaviors that consume our spirit. Both fear and want lead to alienation from ourselves and God. 

Richard Rohr claims that the Bible uses the command or a version of "Fear not" some 365 times. Fear was as common in Biblical times as it is today. One of those times is where Jesus says "Do not be afraid, little flock, for the Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). The challenge for us, is to place our trust in the Kingdom of God rather than in the systems of this world. Truly easier said than done. 

Regarding our "wants," we never seem to be satisfied. The advertising industry does a great job of telling us we are missing out on something to make us feel better, look better, and to be better than the "Joneses" next door. When is enough enough? 

In the book we outline many other areas of our lives where we are "driven by culture," rather than being "drawn by God." Drivenness leads to death, while being drawn to God leads to life.

We can mitigate our drivenness by doing spiritual exercises that we list in our book. Silent contemplation, sacred breathing, meditative walking, meditating on scripture or music, to name a few. 

"Shepherd me O God, beyond my want, beyond my fear, from death unto life." Just singing this refrain repeatedly in my head before I go to sleep, or when I wake up in the middle of the night fearing the fate of my grandchildren, or while I am doing some mundane task, draws me to God, and draws me to life. It helps me move into the Kingdom of God where "All [God's] things will be added unto [me]." This is currently a spiritual exercise for me.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!"

"I will fear no evil, for thou art with me!"

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!"


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Community: Lifting Each Other Up in Times of Need

Nearly 30 years ago, a group of men began getting together to take a fall hike, usually during Eastern Mennonite University’s fall break, and usually at some beautiful mountainous area. As the years went by, we added biking to our repertoire. For several years, we alternated between a hike and a bike ride. Then we added an extra day and biked one day and hiked on the other. Not only did we go to the mountains in several states to hike and bike, we even rode in Manhattan, NY, and Washington, DC. 

Our times together are spent in animated conversation, joke telling, reminiscing, and because at some point there were four pastors among us, our conversations often turned to theology and church politics. We all grew up Mennonite, but because there were several former believers, agnostics, and scientists among us, our discussions were often very intriguing and deep. 

This year, a group of eight of us went to northern Pennsylvania to bike along Pine
PA's Grand Canyon and Pine Creek. Rail trail below

Creek which forms the gorge of what is known as Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon. We rode 22 miles from one point to another on a rail-to-trail path and rented an Airbnb for our overnight stay. Despite cold and off-and-on drizzle, it was one of the most beautiful bike rides I experienced in many years of biking with the group.

For our hike, we went further east in northern Pennsylvania to Ricketts Glen, a state park with a hiking trail that includes numerous waterfalls along the way. This again was incredibly beautiful, but rather challenging. There was a nearly 800 ft. descent at the beginning of the hike, then an 800 ft. ascent to get back up to where we had parked. We hiked around 3.5 miles in all. 

Several years ago, I began to develop some balance issues. My personal physician recommended that I see a neurologist to rule out my fear that there may be something serious going on in my brain. She diagnosed me with neuropathy in my feet. Interestingly, I have no pain, just issues with balance. Some of my family speculate that I might have some inner ear issues since five of my siblings have varying degrees of vertigo, and three of my uncles and aunts were born deaf. However, I’ve never experienced vertigo nor other any symptoms my siblings have had. 

In addition, I had bi-lateral knee surgery a little over 10 years ago, and my knees don’t support extreme activities like I was once able to do. With all these physical debilities, I should never have considered doing the hike. However, I didn’t have many options. I had car-pooled with three other men, and I was nearly 5 hours away from home. Did I want to sit in a cold, although beautiful park for 3 hours? Did I want to hike for a few minutes to the first waterfall and then return to the park to sit? I decided to go with the group. 

The descent was nearly vertical with lots of stone steps skillfully leading the path through and around tree roots. Light pellets of frozen rain drops melted when the sun came out made the rocks wet and slippery. About half-way down the descent, my knees were wobbling and the muscles around them weak. Even with hiking sticks, my balance issues made the descent even more treacherous. 

In the nearly 30 years that we men have been together, age has provided various physical challenges to nearly all of us. Two on this year’s hike had heart valves installed. One had survived cancer and was facing knee replacement surgery. One was dealing with eyesight issues. In fact, several years ago one of our members had died from cancer. Age was catching up with all of us, but mine was the most hampering for the hike. 

After the halfway point of the descent, one of our caring members, seeing my difficulty, offered me his arm to help me along the way. I gladly ceded my ego and supposed masculinity to take his help. We made it to the bottom of the descent and ate lunch and rested before the ascent. I was presented with another option. A trail descended another mile from where we were to reach a different trail head. The trail was designated as moderate most of the way, while the ascent was marked difficult the whole way. My caring partner would accompany me, and we would wait there until our hiking buddies could swing around the park to pick us up. 

I was glad for this option, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that more descent would continue to be devastating to the already weakened muscles around my knees. Even when I was healthy, descents have always been more difficult than ascents—at least muscle-wise. The ascent would use different muscles, and I reasoned that I could even crawl up the slope and pull myself up to the next level with my hands if need be. Plus, the gang would be together. So, I decided to go with the gang. Up, up, and away we go! 

How delusional I was! The gaps between stone steps were often much wider than my crawl would allow, or my arms could reach. Once again, the ascent was almost vertical, and there were few places where the path leveled out enough to catch one’s breath and “balance.” My caring companion helped me from the rear, but another caring soul ahead of me often reached his hand down to pull me up over gaps that were too wide for me to negotiate. I was totally humbled because he was several months older than I. When we finally reached the end of the trail, I told him that I now knew literally what the old hymn meant: “Take Thou My Hand O Father, and Lead Thou Me.” I was exhausted. 

Despite the difficulty of the hike and the humility of needing help from my companions, the hike was indescribably beautiful. I lost count of the number of waterfalls we encountered along the way. The beauty of autumn in the Pennsylvania woods never disappoints. 

Except for theological views, our group of men is not diverse. All of us have advanced degrees and all of us are from Mennonite backgrounds. Beyond our love for nature and vigorous exercise, we are bounded by our fondness for each other. We eagerly look forward to our yearly adventures. We have formed a temporary community. Because of my experience with this group this year, this community means all the more to me. 

Our Airbnb along Pine Creek

After we returned home, I texted our community, “I bet no one has sorer or stiffer muscles than I.” One of my caring companions wrote, “Don, you are an inspiration to all of us.” Several others agreed. Although I thought that I was more of a hinderance than an inspiration, I have a better understanding of what community is: lifting each other up in times of need.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Strange, Interesting Encounters

I was standing in front of the iconic clock tower in Bern, Switzerland. I had arrived too late to see it strike 5 PM, and missed the glockenspiel. I wanted to find out what I had missed. There were a group of Asian tourists that I approached to ask what I had missed. At first they were quite skeptical of me, but then warmed up. However, none of them could speak English, so we tried to communicate with each other with hand motions. That didn't work. 

I approached a random man, and asked him if he spoke German or English, and answered me in German, so I proceded to ask him what I had missed. He told me that the major works of the clock hadn't been in play for a number of years, that I hadn't missed anything. 

During the day's events, I was wearing a cap I had received from a friend while visiting Colombia. It had the name of Colombia clearly written on the bill, so my new-found friend asked me if I speak Spanish. We preceded to communicate with each other in Spanish. Turns out that he was born in Chile of German parents, but had emigrated to Switzerland because he was married to a Swiss woman. That was the beginning of coincidences. 

When I asked him what he did in Switzerland after having worked at a language school called Inlingua. This was the same school that I had taught at in the early 80's after my marriage to Esther, my own Swiss wife. This was the second coincidence. 

Even though he started there years after I had left, he thought there might have been the same teachers there from my time at the school. He mentioned some names, none of which I recognized. I told him I remembered only personnel from England, but remembered a Spanish man in exile with whom I had struck up a friendship. He mentioned a few names of Spanish speakers, none of whom I recognized. Then he said the name Fernández, and I immediately recognized the name. I asked him if this Spaniard was a poet, and it turned out that he was. He had only taught with him for a short time before he moved on. This was the third coincidence. 

Who could have imagined that a random encounter with a stranger in a strange land, would result in so many coincidences. A simple question about a clock in Bern, surrounded by hundreds of random tourists from many lands, would turn into such an interesting encounter.