Projection is a psychological concept was made popular by the
great Swiss psychiatrist and thinker, Carl G. Jung. The idea is that we take the
negative emotions and behaviors within ourselves and “project” them onto
others. For example, If I can’t stand someone’s behavior, I am probably
projecting on that person my own unresolved issues with that behavior.
I find it fascinating that Jesus identified the phenomenon
of projection nearly 2,000 years before Jung: “Why do you see the speck in your
neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3 NRSV) The
context is in judging others when our own behavior is just as bad. We criticize
little things in our neighbor’s behavior, when our own unresolved attitudes and
behavior are even bigger than what we are criticizing in our neighbor or
someone else.
The phenomenon of projection is as old as humanity. The two
most common emotions that are projected are anger and fear. We are told as
Christians that we are not to be angry, even if all of us are to a certain extent.
We repress the emotion until we can no longer hold it in, and we explode. Or we
project it on to other people. We are also told as Christians to “fear not,” but
all the messages we hear, especially in the political arena, cause us to fear.
So, we repress our fear or project it on to others.
I personally repressed my anger for many years until one occasion
when it exploded against my innocent daughter. I had to do some serious
self-examination to realize that anger was capable of doing great physical harm
to other people if I didn’t check it. This was done by serious inner work.
Unfortunately, few people take the time to do such inner work and continue to
repress and project.
In my reading of the political scene in the USA, it seems to
me that those on the left project their anger on those on the right; those on
the right project their fear on those on the left. No one is willing to examine
their inner souls to see what unresolved issues within they are projecting on
to others, so it ends up with both sides yelling at each other.
Beyond anger and fear, much of the projection we do comes
from self-loathing. Our US American culture constantly sends us messages that
we are not good enough. Of course, there are endless amounts of products
available to make us feel better about ourselves. I thought that when the
authoritarian generation passed away and the new “I love you forever”
generation would raise their kids, that self-loathing would pass away. Not so.
Our culture has found endless ways to make them feel as negative toward
themselves as my generation did.
I’ve been reading Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ and I found this quote: “. . . if you nurture hatred toward yourself,
it won’t be long before it shows itself as hatred toward others.” This is
the worst kind of projection and is so prevalent in our current cultural scene.
The amount of hatred both openly and covertly expressed toward others currently
is cause for concern. And it comes from unresolved self-hatred.
Jesus’ said: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will
see God.” (Matthew 5:8) In order to obtain a “pure heart,” one that is free of
projection, we need to do serious inner work; contemplative work. The book I
wrote with my sister, The
Spacious Heart has many suggestions on how to do that inner work. May
your find your soul and “see God.”
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